Nowadays, this question often arises in the minds of men, how to enlarge the penis or how to make the penis thick? And for this these days men are adopting many methods. In earlier times, this was done through home remedies only, but today people are also getting surgery done to make the penis bigger or thicker. If you are also thinking of getting surgery done and want to know everything about surgery, then know everything in this article.
Penuma is a type of penis enlargement surgery in which a piece of silicone is inserted under the penis to make it longer and wider. Although it is not approved as a treatment for erectile dysfunction and is unlikely to be covered by insurance and can be expensive, people are still considering it. Penis enlargement surgery may involve placing silicone implants, transfer of fat cells, or the use of skin grafts to increase the size of the penis. The actual need for penis enlargement is less. According to the Urology Care Foundation (UCF), surgery is only necessary if a man has a condition called micropenis. A condition in which the size of the penis remains 7.5 centimeters or smaller even when there is tension in the penis. A penis that functions adequately for both intercourse and urination does not require surgery.
Read more - (Penis massage benefits)
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