Hair fall is a normal process. Everyone's hair falls while washing and combing hair. The process of hair growth and fall continues continuously. It is natural for women to worry about hair fall during pregnancy. If your hair is continuously falling during pregnancy, then do not panic. Many times this type of problem gets cured automatically after pregnancy. Generally, the problem of hair fall during pregnancy is less seen in women. Due to high levels of estrogen hormone in women during pregnancy, hair fall is reduced. Whereas after delivery, when the estrogen level becomes normal, the hair stopped during pregnancy starts falling. This happens due to the changes taking place in the body of all women. On the other hand, if you are facing the problem of hair fall during pregnancy, then it also depends on many other reasons.
(Read more - How To Take Care During Pregnancy)
Hair loss during pregnancy is also known as Telogen effluvium in the medical world. In this article, we will further explain why hair falls during pregnancy. Apart from this, the causes of hair loss during pregnancy, ways to prevent hair fall during pregnancy, home remedies and tips will also be told in this article.
(Read more - Diet during the first month of pregnancy)
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