The condition of any kind of discomfort or pain in the area above the stomach and below the neck (chest) can be called tightness in the chest. The problem of tightness in the chest can occur at any age or in any area. In this condition, problems like burning sensation in the chest, feeling of pressure and pain start occurring.
There are many conditions that cause tightness in the chest, including dangerous diseases like heart attack. Chest tightness can also occur due to gastrointestinal, psychological and pulmonary (lung related) problems. Tightness in the chest or heaviness in the chest is a subjective symptom. Which means that the patient can feel it and tell the doctor but the doctor cannot detect it himself.
Tightness or heaviness in the chest often occurs with other symptoms, these symptoms develop on the basis of any internal problem, disease or disorder. These symptoms include fever, body pain, difficulty in breathing and anxiety. To test chest tightness and find out its causes, some tests like ECG, chest X-ray, complete blood count, echo test and spirometry can be done.
To cure chest tightness or heaviness in the chest, the problems causing this condition are treated. This includes aerosols for asthma, nitro-glycerin tablets for chest pain and anti-anxiety medicines for anxiety. If you are ignoring chest tightness, it can be fatal because chest tightness can also be caused by heart attack in some cases.
(Read more - Chest Pain)
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