More than 5 crore people around the world are troubled by the problem of epilepsy. Epilepsy is a group of many problems, in which a person has seizures. Generally, 1 out of 20 children has seizures at some time or the other. Seizures in epilepsy can bother parents, but there is a treatment for this problem. In most cases of epilepsy, children either feel mild symptoms or do not experience any kind of symptoms. During an epileptic seizure, the child loses consciousness and his muscles start cramping.
In this article, you have been told in detail about epilepsy in children. Also, in this article, you have been told in detail about the types of epilepsy in children, symptoms of epilepsy in children, causes of epilepsy in children, prevention of epilepsy in children and treatment of epilepsy in children etc.
(Read more - Fever seizures in children)
from के स्वास्थ्य संबंधी लेख