Blood plays an important role in a person's health. Our blood is made up of plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. Blood carries oxygen and nutrients to the body's tissues and lungs. Along with this, it also works to stop bleeding in case of injury, carry infection-fighting antibodies and cells to different parts of the body and control body temperature. If the red blood cells present in the blood are more or less, a person starts having many problems. Usually people have to face the problem of deficiency of red blood cells, but with some measures you can avoid this problem.
In this article, you have been told about what are red blood cells and how to increase red blood cells. Along with this, an attempt has been made to tell you in detail about the symptoms of lack of red blood cells, symptoms of excess of red blood cells, red blood cell count and how to increase red blood cells.
(Read more - Normocytic Anemia)
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