বুধবার, ২৯ জানুয়ারী, ২০২৫

Understanding Birthmarks in Newborns: A Parent’s Guide

Holding your newborn in your arms and just staring at him, looking at every part of the baby's body carefully, not being able to take your eyes off the baby's face - all these things fill new parents with happiness. One of the many unique characteristics associated with a baby is a birthmark or birth mark which can be present on any part of the baby's body. It is a different looking spot present on the baby's skin which is either present on the baby's body from the time of birth or is formed in the first few weeks immediately after birth.

About 80 percent of newborns are born with a birthmark. Birthmark is like a small spot present on the baby's skin which is very common. Parents do not need to worry about this because it is usually cancer-free and does not require any kind of treatment. This birthmark can be on any part of the baby's face or body. The color, size, shape, size of the birthmark is different in every baby.

(Read more: Newborn Baby, Infant and Child Health Care Tips)

Some birthmarks are permanent which can grow in shape or size over time while some birthmarks are temporary which disappear completely on their own over time. Most of these birthmarks are completely safe and do not cause any harm to the baby. But some birthmarks can be a sign of some disease and due to this they need to be removed through cosmetic surgery.

So what is a birthmark, how many types are there, what are the reasons for the formation of a birthmark on the body, is there any need for treatment for these birthmarks, what things should be kept in mind regarding the birthmark of the baby, we are telling you about this in this article.

(Read more: What to Expect: Your Baby's Journey at 10 Months)

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