Chickenpox is also known as Choti Mata in many areas of India. This disease mainly occurs in children and people with weak immunity. Although the effects of this disease are usually mild, its severe symptoms can be seen in infants under 12 months of age and adolescents with weak immunity, pregnant women and adults. Chicken pox is an infectious disease, which easily catches other people. The infection of this disease spreads from one person to another through air. Chicken pox vaccine is used to protect infants, children and other adults from this disease.
In this article, you are being told about the seriousness of chicken pox and to protect against it. Also, in this article, you have been told in detail about what is chicken pox vaccine, at what age should chicken pox vaccine be given, the price of chicken pox vaccine, side effects of chicken pox vaccine and who should not be given chicken pox vaccine.
(Read more - Dos and Don'ts When You Have Chicken Pox)
from के स्वास्थ्य संबंधी लेख