Managing Allergies: Quick Actions for Instant Relief By seba - new post Allergy or allergic reaction is a common problem that can occur due to any reason like food, pollen, insect bites or medicines.Usually all...
Kahwa Tea Benefits: Why It’s More Than Just a Cup of Tea By seba - new post Most of you start your day with a cup of tea. Some people even drink tea 2-3 times a day. Tea is a very tasty drink which people like very ...
Seizures in Babies: Tips for Prevention and Emergency Care By seba - new post Children suffer from many types of health problems and seizures in children are considered to be a common problem among them. The symptoms...
Who Should Get the Anthrax Vaccine? A Risk-Based Guide By seba - new post Anthrax is a serious disease that can affect both humans and animals. This disease is caused by "Bacillus anthracis" (a type of ...
The Role of Antibiotics in Treating Typhoid Fever: Key Facts By seba - new post Typhoid is a very common disease in India, which is serious and due to this many people die in India every year. Typhoid is also called ma...
What Triggers One-Sided Headaches and How to Prevent Them By seba - new post The sensation of pain and suffering in any area of the head is called headache. The problem of headache can occur once or repeatedly....
Meningococcal Vaccine: A Shield Against Deadly Infections By seba - new post Meningococcal is a bacterial infection . This infection spreads from one person to another through microscopic droplets of air due to sneez...
Coping with a Cold: Simple Remedies to Feel Better Faster By seba - new post A cold is a very common problem that usually does not require a visit to the doctor. Cold can be caused by many types of viruses and the s...
Dos and Don’ts When You Have Chicken Pox By seba - new post Chicken pox is a very fast spreading disease, which is also called small pox or chicken pox in common language. This disease is caused by ...
DPT Vaccine for Newborns: Why Timely Immunization is Essential By seba - new post The DPT (DTP and DTwP) vaccine protects the child from three types of infectious diseases (diphtheria, pertussis , tetanus ). This vaccine ...