Chicken pox is a very fast spreading disease, which is also called small pox or chicken pox in common language. This disease is caused by a virus called "Varicella zoster" in which a person gets fluid-filled blisters or rashes all over the body. These rashes first appear on the face and back and then spread all over the body. Due to this, the person has many symptoms like fever and itching in the blisters, which are very disturbing.
Although chicken pox gets cured on its own or by taking some home remedies, sometimes it can cause many other problems and complications. In some rare cases, chicken pox can also be fatal.
This article talks about whether chicken pox is dangerous, what to do and what not to do in chicken pox and when to go to the doctor for it.
(Read more - How to Soothe Chicken Pox Symptoms Naturally at Home)
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