Most people face different allergies and irritations in all seasons. In the spring season, one has to face many types of allergies. During the summer season, other allergy problems keep increasing rapidly. Similarly, in autumn, allergies occur due to dust and with the arrival of winter, allergy problems have to be faced due to pollution. Apart from weather, there can be many other causes of allergy.
Common symptoms of allergy are runny nose, sore throat, cough, itching in eyes and skin rashes. People who are troubled by allergies according to the season can protect themselves before this problem starts. However, if you see symptoms of allergy, then you can also try easy and effective home remedies to avoid this problem. So let us tell you some home remedies for allergies –
(Read more - Foods to help fight allergies)
from के स्वास्थ्य संबंधी लेख