Acidity and heartburn due to it is also a common complaint of pregnant women. It causes a burning sensation in the middle of the chest. This complaint definitely occurs in pregnancy because the progesterone hormone, which relaxes the muscles in pregnancy and helps in expansion, also relaxes the valve of the stomach which keeps the acid out of the food pipe (esophagus). But since the muscles are in a relaxed state, the valve remains slightly open, due to which the acid goes into the food pipe due to the growing uterus and the stomach becomes overfull, which causes acidity which causes heartburn. But there are safe and effective ways to prevent it. Which are discussed in this article.
(Read more - Indigestion during pregnancy)
Difference between acidity and heartburn -
The term 'acidity' is commonly used when any burning sensation is experienced in the stomach or food pipe. Medically, acidity is different from heartburn.Acidity occurs when your stomach produces more acid than is needed to digest food. You may experience a burning sensation or more than that. It can be mild or sometimes quite painful.
Heartburn is experienced when stomach acids irritate the pipe as it passes through the food pipe. This burning sensation can be quite painful and sometimes it is more than the burning sensation or acidity in the stomach.
(Read more - Acid reflux)
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