After the completion of the first trimester of pregnancy, pregnant women enter the second trimester. At this time, working women start planning for their leave. Every stage of pregnancy is very important for a woman. By this time, the symptoms of morning sickness and fatigue in the first trimester of most pregnant women are over. With the end of morning sickness and fatigue, in the second trimester, the woman starts feeling more energetic than before. But even during this time, women should take complete care of their health so that there is no problem.
So that women do not have any problem in this stage of pregnancy, the second trimester of pregnancy is being explained in detail in this article. Along with this, what is the meaning of the second trimester in pregnancy, physical changes in the second trimester of pregnancy, development of the fetus in the second trimester of pregnancy, what to eat in the second trimester of pregnancy and care in the second trimester of pregnancy etc. have also been explained in detail.
(Read more - How To Take Care During Pregnancy)
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