Is your first task after coming back from office to rush to the refrigerator and grab a bottle of cold water to quench your thirst and wash away the exhaustion of the day? Who doesn't want cool relief in this scorching heat? With the mercury rising everyday, one needs to have icy-cold water as often as possible. But did you know, this icy cold water can cause trouble for your digestive system?
No matter how hot it is, Ayurveda does not recommend drinking cold water. The Complete Book Of Ayurvedic Home Remedies states under unhealthy eating habits that drinking very cold water during meals or at any time can disturb the normal functioning and balance of gastric juices. According to the book, instead of consuming any ice drink during meals, drink a sip of lukewarm water in between meals. Here are some reasons why you should drink normal temperature water instead of cold water -
Read More - (Benefits Of Water For Glowing Skin)
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