Pregnancy is a time when the body and mind are moving towards a new creation. It is a unique and valuable experience of life. It is important to stay healthy in this stage and to stay healthy, it is most important that you include yoga and pranayama in your daily routine. Yoga and pranayama help you in a healthy pregnancy and delivery. Whenever you practice yoga and pranayama, do it comfortably and slowly. Yoga and pranayama keep your body relaxed and strong, they also help in physical changes and breathing problems during pregnancy.
(Read more - How To Take Care During Pregnancy)
Before starting yoga and pranayama during pregnancy, take permission from your doctor or yoga teacher or you can also keep them as a trainer. This will help you tell the appropriate asanas according to your body. Some important tips that you should not do during your practice -
- Avoid doing asanas that put pressure on the stomach.
- Keep the stomach well extended.
- Focus more on deep breathing.
- Do the exercise according to your body.
So today we are going to tell you the benefits of yoga during pregnancy, what kind of yoga and pranayama you should do etc.
(Read more - Every Mother Should Know : Pregnancy Problems)
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